
Due to Covid-19, MAYRA was not able to announce the recipients at the summer conventions of the Model A Ford Club of America and the Model A Restorers Club. 

The guiding philosophy of MAYRA is that the future of the hobby rests with instilling an interest and love for the Model A in our youth. Once that interest takes hold, the youth are more likely to stick with the hobby or rekindle the interest in the hobby at a later point in life. And being successful in the restoration often depends on finances and that is why MAYRA helps. 

Due to Covid-19, MAYRA was not able to announce the recipients at the summer conventions of the Model A Ford Club of America and the Model A Restorers Club. 

The guiding philosophy of MAYRA is that the future of the hobby rests with instilling an interest and love for the Model A in our youth. Once that interest takes hold, the youth are more likely to stick with the hobby or rekindle the interest in the hobby at a later point in life. And being successful in the restoration often depends on finances and that is why MAYRA helps. 


2024 Awards

The guiding philosophy of MAYRA is that the future of the hobby rests with instilling an interest and love for the Model A in our youth. Once that interest takes hold, youth are more likely to stick with the hobby or rekindle the interest in the hobby at a later point in life. Being successful in the restoration often depends on finances, and that is why MAYRA helps. This year, MAYRA is excited to introduce the 13 recipients of the award. This is the largest number of recipients in any of the 30 years of the program.  

Alexander Chiniaeff is 14, lives in Temecula, California, is a freshman in high school, and is a member of the Temecula Valley Model A Club Alexander is lucky enough to have as a neighbor, Stu McLaughlin, a former Temecula Model A Club president. As a consequence, Alexander became excited about Model A’s. Stu, intent on finding a Model A for Alexander, located a 1929 Tudor that the owner had tried to donate to the high school, but rejected because of the car’s age. With the help of the Temecula club, Alexander was given the Model A.  

David Orseske is 14, lives in Batavia, Illinois, and is a member of the Naper A’s. A year ago, David saw a 1930 Model A Roadster sitting in his neighbor’s yard. His neighbor was Gene Egert, president of the Naper A’s. Gene took David for a ride, and he became hooked. In March 2023,David acquired a 1929 Murray De Luxe Town Sedan. While only 14, David has been involved with vintage transportation for some time. At the age of 9, he began his passion for antique bicycles. At 12, he purchased his first Whizzer motorbike. Now David has 8, plus two Cushman scooters and an assortment of other two-wheel motorized vehicles. David says his Model A will not be a show car, but for fun to enjoy and to educate more young people about the wonderful Model A hobby. There remains much to do to get the Town Sedan running..

Jon Dalsing is 14, lives in Kannapolis, North Carolina, and is a member of the Queen City Region. He writes, “I became interested in Model A Fords when I was ten. My father was active in the Queen City Model A Club and often worked on his or another club member’s car.” Jon   rst drove a Model A when he was 12. Jon’s father, Troy Dalsing, is now the president of the Queen City club. Last year, Jon’s father purchased six Model A’s that needed saving. Jon selected the 1930 Cabriolet, which had been sitting for ten years, had four flat tires and mouse droppings that give evidence they had lived in the car’s seat. John has given himself four years to complete the restoration, the year he graduates from high school.

Broc Best is 18, Lives in Staunton, Illinois, and is a member of MAFCA. Since he lives 70 miles from the nearest Model A club, his father is his mentor. Brock knew little about old cars until his grandfather’s cousin gave him his 1929 Model A Tudor Sedan in December 2023. The car had been sitting on jack stands for 20 years and restored 50 years ago, but otherwise in fair shape With his father’s and neighbor’s help, Broc pulled the engine, put in new gaskets, painted it, and changed the fluids. With much still to complete, Broc is already thinking of a taking a trip on Route 66.

Kai Samuelson is 21, lives in Fleetwood, Pennsylvania, and is a member of the Lehigh Valley Model A Club. Kai has an associate’s degree in aviation maintenance from the Pennsylvania College of Technology. Kai’s interest in a Model A started with a doodlebug he found in a scrap yard that he thought would be a quick fixup into a truck. Kai quickly discovered the “fixup” part of getting it running was not going the way he had visualized. His most difficult challenges were finding a straight axle, a usable engine, and acquiring a title for the car. Now the biggest challenges are the cab interior, roof slats, wood framework, glass, and paint.

Beau Barnes, 16, lies in Topsham, Maine, and is a member of the Pine Tree Model A Club. In October of last year, Beau purchased a chassis for $1,000. Beau started working on it the day it arrived home. “I am doing all the work myself,” he says, “and teaching myself as I go.” A few weeks before he sent in his MAYRA application, Beau met two Pine Tree Model A Club members at a local car show who promised their help. Beau says, “I have completed everything by myself so far and would like to keep it that way for the most part,” but he anticipates needing help with the internals of the differential. Beau is a very self-motivated and determined young man.  

Domonick LeBlond is 13, lives in Berkeley Heights, New Jersey, and is a member of the Model A Ford Club of New Jersey. He grew up around his father’s and grandfather’s Model A’s. Domonick received a 1930 Town Sedan from his grandfather in the fall of 2022. The car runs, but it has some issues: a hole in the roof, and a need for new brakes, a new interior, and exterior paint. Domonick expects that repairing one issue will lead to unexpected new problems.

Savannah Bella Nelson is 20, lives in Mason, Ohio, is a member of the Ohio Valley Region of the Model A Ford Club. Her project is restoring her grandfather’s 1929 Coupe, which had been sitting for seven years. Bella writes, “I never bought [a Model A] until now because I had nobody to teach me how to take care of it. After receiving my Model A, I did plenty of research on it, trying to find someone to help me fix it.” At her first Ohio Valley Club meeting, 25 people offered to help her. Most of Bella’s help has come from John Grossheim, president of the Ohio Valley Region and himself a 2018 recipient of a Model A Youth Restoration Award.

Tyler Lewallen is 17, lives in Riverton, Utah, and is a Utah Valley Model A Club member. In February 2023, Tyler was bitten by the Model A bug while visiting a car museum. Three weeks later, he purchased a 1930 Coupe that had been in a barn for 40 years, and he had fun getting it running. Wanting another style of the Ford Model A, he visited the Turlock Swap Meet in January 2024 and purchased a frame, four wheels, a differential, a front axle, a bell housing, transmission housing, and a box of other miscellaneous motor parts for $575. He plans on building either a Tudor Sedan or a Pickup. Getting a body for the chassis will be Tyler’s biggest challenge. Tyler says that George Sage of the Evergreen A’s has been with him every step of the way. George mentored Samuel Mpare, one of MAYRA’s 2022 recipients.

Blake Hill is 14, lives in Whittier, California, and is a member of the Orange County Model A Ford Club. He is restoring a 1930 Closed Cab Pickup that his father purchased in 2017. Blake’s father and grandfather also have Model A’s, so Blake has been around them most of his life. Blake’s Pickup has major needs: the brakes, the transmission, a differential rebuild, rewiring the vehicle, and new tubes and tires. Blake’s target date for completing the Model A is his 16th birthday.

Hayden Larson is 17 and lives in Paxton, Massachusetts. He is a junior at a vocational technical high. What started as a class project developed into Hayden’s landscaping business, managing 25 properties. Hayden is a member of the Worcester County Model A Club and is restoring a 1928 Model A truck, which he acquired in November 2023. Hayden has accomplished much. “Within the first few weeks, I pulled everything off the frame. The cab corners and the back of the cab were rusted out, so I made some new corners and added new paneling on the back.” The list of his accomplishments goes on. At Hayden’s speed, having another Model A on the road will not take long.

Ryan Spieker, 20, lives in Lincoln, Nebraska, where he goes to college and is a member of the Rocky Mountain A’s. Ryan was a recipient of a MAYRA grant in 2020, as was his older brother, Dillon, in 2022. Both have been active in the restoration for the past 3½ years. Ryan received his Eagle Scout award in 2022, and Dillon received his several years ago. Their 1931 Tudor Sedan was purchased from a farmer after sitting in a pasture for 70 years. Their grandfather, the boys’ mentor, lives in Colorado and is active in the Model A hobby. Dillon now lives with his grandparents in Colorado and can spend more time than Ryan, who participates during the summer and holidays on the car’s frame-off restoration. Ryan and Dillon’s near goal is to have a complete chassis on which to mount the body. They are working on removing dents and hope to have the restoration done in the next two years.

Luke Sutherland is 16, lives in Rocklin, California, and is a member of the Auburn A’s. Now working on his 1929 De Luxe Coupe, Luke grew up knowing cars. When he was 6, he saw a hot rod that sparked his interest in cars. He would name every car on the road, watch videos on cars, and talk about them frequently. The Coupe was purchased out of state, and to register it, Luke and his father had to lift the body. Later, after it blew a head gasket, Luke did his first valve adjustment. Three weeks later, driving home from church, Luke found himself sitting on the side of the road, wondering what had happened. It turned out to be a broken crankshaft. That’s one of the challenges ahead.

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